Rhinoplasty (nose plastics): prices, before and after photos, contraindications, rehabilitation

More and more people are dissatisfied with their appearance and are trying to somehow correct some parts of the body. Sometimes it comes to insanity, but to a greater extent everyone began to treat it completely indifferently, as the demand for plastic surgery grows every year. For example, rhinoplasty is an opportunity to correct the shape of the nose, while blepharoplasty corrects the eyelids and so on.

perfect nose after rhinoplasty

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is an operation that changes the shape and, if desired, the size of the nose. The first of these corrections was made by a German surgeon named Jacques Josev in the first half of the last century. After this successful experience, this type of surgery began to gain popularity every day, and thanks to the constant development of medicines and equipment, it became even easier and safer. The very essence of this surgery is to change the bone-cartilage structure of the nose, immediately after removing the skin. Despite the fact that this type of procedure is already very popular, there are still a fairly large number of myths that in one way or another can scare the patient.

Myths and reality

The first myth says that this type of surgery can be performed by any plastic surgeon. In fact, a doctor of this specialization must be able to possess at least knowledge, and at most superficial skills. Unfortunately, this by no means means that he has enough practical experience to perform such an operation at the highest level. This procedure is very complicated, and any plastic surgeon should know all the nuances and subtleties of the structure of the nose and respiratory system, because the main task is not only the attractiveness of the patient, but also the proper functioning of the organ after the operation. . In this case, the doctor must observe the aesthetic proportions of the face.

There is an opinion that nose rhinoplasty is mainly performed for those people who have some kind of obsession with remodeling their bodies. But the fact is that the doctor himself can prescribe such a correction if the proper functioning of the respiratory organ is disturbed. At the same time, one should not deny the fact that a beautiful and graceful nose gives more self-confidence (especially for women), which will certainly change life for the better. But to regard this operation as the satisfaction of one's inner "I" is quite wrong, rather, as a modern type of psychotherapy.

The rumors that nasal rhinoplasty is a painful operation are not without foundation. Like any other surgery, it carries risks, but when compared with the breast augmentation itself, the former is less dangerous. As for the pain, the patient will not feel it, as the whole procedure is performed under general anesthesia. After the operation, swelling and slight discomfort persist for 5-7 days, but no longer.

Some people think rhinoplasty is best in the spring or summer, but this is actually pure myth, as the procedure can be done at any time of the year.

The best rhinoplasty is the one performed by a professional doctor, after which there will be no more traces of the intervention. Whether or not the operation will be evident initially depends on the degree of curvature.

Do not think that rhinoplasty can completely change the shape of the nose so that it becomes perfect. Much is limited by the individual characteristics of the structure, skin and bone-cartilage picture, which is why patients may also be dissatisfied with the result of the operation. So, according to statistics, every tenth patient, after the tissue has healed, goes back to the doctor again to change shape.

woman after nose rhinoplasty

Choose a new nose

To take into account the capabilities of the doctor and the needs of the patient, computer diagnostics are performed, after which you will be given a photo. Rhinoplasty and, consequently, the surgeon himself cannot go beyond the safe intervention if the shape of the nose does not allow to achieve the desired result. But the doctor will be able to offer the intervention as close to ideal as possible.

According to the aesthetics of the parameters of the nose, more attention is paid to the angle of the profile, which is calculated from the line connecting the chin to the forehead relative to the back of the nose. As for women, rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose is relevant for them, when it is done slightly raised above the plane. Thanks to this correction, the face becomes noticeably younger. Do not forget that the shape will be selected by the surgeon taking into account as much as possible the parameters of the face. The operation must be carried out in such a way that the nose is not only in harmony with the rest of the body, but also gives the owner individuality.

Types of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention, which is represented by several types:

  • open intervention;
  • surgery without removing the skin (closed);
  • using fillers;
  • repeated (secondary);
  • columella operation;
  • change in the shape of the nostrils;
  • rhinoplasty of a wide nose.

As for the first method, for this the doctor makes an incision, directly along the bridge between the nostrils, thus obtaining the maximum possible view for the surgeon. In this case, full control over the course of the operation is possible. During the closed method, the incision is performed from the inside, which makes it less traumatic, just like when correcting the shape of the nose, thanks to the use of fillers. Other types of interventions are determined based on individual anatomy.

correction of the tip of the nose

Rejuvenating rhinoplasty

Recently, the most popular type of rhinoplasty is a procedure in which a correction is performed, designed to affect the age-related increase in the swelling of the nasal spine, lowering of the tip and base. Over time, it gets bigger and more prominent, which makes the woman look older. In addition, with age, the ears also increase, so the surgeon must take this into account when correcting, so that everything is proportional. Even with a facelift it is often necessary to correct the nose in relation to the new facial contour. By the way, anti-aging rhinoplasty is the most individual type. The prices for this type of correction will also be different in each specific case.


There is a certain list of conditions under which the operation is not performed:

  1. Rhinoplasty is not performed under the age of 18, unless it is a necessary measure after injury.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the skin in the nose.
  3. Serious diseases of the internal organs that can cause complications.
  4. Acute infectious, oncological and viral diseases.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Diseases of the blood.

Preparation for surgery

High quality rhinoplasty is, first of all, a complete understanding between doctor and patient. During the first appointment, the surgeon must listen to all wishes. Also, based on the requirements, the doctor should discuss possible techniques that will be relevant in a particular case. After that, an assessment of various nuances is carried out that can directly or indirectly affect the course of the operation. The choice of a particular technique is based solely on the following parameters:

  • customer needs;
  • the structure of the osteochondral corset of the nose;
  • skin condition and thickness;
  • the patient's age;
  • face type.

At the same time, it is necessary to perform computer modeling, the purpose of which is the virtual creation of the shape of the nose using a special program. As for the choice of the surgical technique, the initiative is completely transferred to the surgeon's hands. A thorough medical history is taken.

The doctor should inform his patient of the correct preparation for the operation. This includes eliminating certain foods from food, the requirement to quit smoking, and limiting the intake of certain fluids, especially alcohol.

The operation may be postponed if the patient has recently suffered a skin infection or diseases associated with the upper respiratory tract. Approximately 1-2 weeks before the correction procedure, it is necessary to completely abandon drugs that contain salicylates.


At the moment, there are a sufficient number of private and public clinics where rhinoplasty can be performed. Prices in such medical institutions are set according to the level of the institution, the equipment, the professionalism of the doctors and, of course, the procedure they offer and perform. Local anesthesia is often used and several sedative cubes are injected into the vein. There are times when general anesthesia is needed. All the time, during the duration of the operation, the patient is under constant supervision of special computerized equipment, which monitors the stable work of the heart, pulse, pressure.

the doctor prepares the patient for rhinoplasty

At the end of all interventions and surgical procedures, the patient is transferred to the ward. Often there may be some discomfort, but everything disappears quickly with appropriate targeted drugs. In some types of surgery, it is necessary to apply a special splint so that the nose is in a steady state and is protected from accidental bruising. If rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose was performed, then a special triangular bandage is applied for support, you can use splints for nostrils, which are placed inside. It is possible to leave the clinic within a few hours, but some patients decide to stay overnight.


The operation itself does not last very long, about a couple of hours, it all depends on the method of intervention chosen and the initial complexity.

The first stage involves an incision of the vestibule of the nasal mucosa. Next, the surgeon is required to correct the tip of the nose, sometimes it is necessary to change the height of the nostrils and the width of the base of the nose. After the hump or nose is removed, the necessary appearance is given, the final correction is made using cartilage and they can be own or preserved. During deformities, the operation occurs in parallel with the change in the position of the nasal septum.

It is worth noting that after all the manipulations carried out, the nose undergoes some changes that the surgeon cannot predict with 100% accuracy, this can be evidenced by numerous photos. Rhinoplasty is a very complex procedure, but there is still a small percentage of unsuccessful interventions, which are solely due to the individual characteristics of the patient.

scheme for rhinoplasty of the nose

Possible complications

Any surgical intervention in the body is not natural and does not pass without a trace, and rhinoplasty is no exception. Surgeons, of course, must have a high level of qualifications, but sometimes there can be complications related solely to individual characteristics. These include:

  • anatomical structure;
  • reaction to anesthesia;
  • wound healing;
  • nosebleeds;
  • the general reaction of the body to a surgical operation;
  • infection.

The risk of complications can be reduced to zero if you carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations.

photo before and after rhinoplasticaplast


In the first few days after rhinoplasty, the nose can cause some discomfort. There is also the appearance of swelling around the eyes, but after 4 days from the operation there will be no trace of it. Already after 2 weeks, the nose will almost completely fix its final shape, but still full formation occurs within six months. During this period, special care should be taken when caring for the skin in the nasal area, as it will become particularly susceptible to damage. During this period, it is recommended to refuse to visit the sauna and to wear glasses for one and a half months.

nasal patch after rhinoplasty

Return to normal life

If you do not load yourself with a lot of physical exertion, you can start your daily life, or even work, within 1 week after the end of the operation. As for the resumption of sports, it is recommended to start them no earlier than 3-4 weeks. You should also avoid direct sunlight on the face. Indeed, any person can do rhinoplasty, but it will be possible to achieve and consolidate the desired result only in full compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor.